Monday, September 22, 2008

What I miss

I miss....
Days of Fun
Picking out clothes when someone claims they shopped everywhere
not remembering the night
trying every vodka except plain
making fun of barnicles
being the only 2 out of control
getting lost
getting drunk at dinner
tailingating with my dad
randomly being able to call you and say come over.
i miss you buddy. come visit me now.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Here's my additions to the list:

leaving drunken and innappropriate voice mails on people's cell phones (i.e. Angie and Travis)

Mondays at Mickeys

you picking out my outfits so I look better and don't have to think

eating Mexican food EVERYTIME we're together

Nip/Tuck nights

always being the first ones drunk

fat-free waffles with calorie-free butter and sugar-free syrup at 2 AM by Michelle Coons

and Coke Zero spilled all over your old car

As soon as I find a way, I'll be there buddy. Until then, find a way to get to me! I miss you like crazy!...and I loved this blog.