Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The night I dont remember and wish could rewind...

So this post wont be so much about my drunken adventures but what happend to my hmmm how shall I say this... my "guest's" drunken actions last night. I was only going to have a couple drinks and chill and watch TV. Well I made mine pretty strong I guess and Kerry was sleeping on the couch and erin was in and out of the room while we were watching tv so i guess I kept on pouring. Well it was at this point that I deemed it a good idea to send my "guest" some really innaporatie texts (i drank tequilla enough said, and we all know what happens to me when i drink tequilla) so next thing I know he is over at my house and im like woah shit im more drunk than I realized. About this time my megs called and so i was like sorry i am def going to take this call so entertain yourself until im done. Well about this point my blackout begins. I remember bits about our convo but not too much. So then I go into my room where he is and yadda yadda yadda you can guess what happend. The next thing I know its morning and im alone and wearing different clothes and I thought hmmm maybe that was a dream you know... Then I come to find out no no it was NOT...

Later I learn I went into kerrys room with my bra on and shorts layed on the bed and said "well lets hope im infertile" and then kerry's like you cant just leave him in the room by himself and I apperntly said "why we already had sex what more could he want from me"

So he is where it gets good- I walk into the bathroom this morning and im like what the hell is all over the rug? Then Erin texted me and asked me if I got sick last night and I said I blackout but I would def remember being sick bc that like never happens. So we leave and go to Mass street to shop still wondering if it was me that puked or marc or what. Then Kerry comes home, and the mystery is sloved. Apperrntly she herd the door open and someone go to the bathroom and start puking and then started running the shower. Oh yeah that would be the guest! On futher inspection not only was it all over the rugs, it was on kerry's ipod thingy where you set it in and can listen to music, and ALL over the walls. HAHAHA.

He did text me and say he was REALLY sorry for last night and had no idea he was that bad, to which I replied "well I dont even remember last night so dont worry, um ps did we have sex bc yeah i need to be more careful about that if we did."

I really hope only you read this blog meg bc man ppl could really think im a whore if they read this!

OH YEAH PS i bought one of your gifts for your batch. party tonight and tell ppl if they buy you anything from VS run it buy me first bc yeah thats kinda my domain! lol. lets just say nobody gets to buy you anything for the day of the wedding for when you get your hair done. your set with that. :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

I finally topped myself.

So I am going to be a "blogger" for two reasons
1. when you call me megan I can never remember half of what I was going to tell you so I figured it best just to write it and then you can have me re-hash it later in my great story telling way
2. I want to make smart ass comments on your blog posts and I can only do that if I made a blog too.

So yesterday I risked my life to drive in an ice storm to Lawrence because I had homework do in my demography class (which took me like 2 hours) and then a test in my research methods class, and as I was almost there I resive a call from an old friend asking me what i was doing and I told her just driving to school to of course she told me uhhh why they cancelled all our classes after 1 PM. So yeah. Anyway my point in all this is I might has gotten slightly exticted over this fact and started my drinking process a bit early. ..

It all started out so innocently. I ate some dinner and had a nice glass of wine (with my turkey sandwhich classy i know) and then watched some lifetime over a glass of white grape vodka (megan its a new one we need to try upon your arrival home) and white grape juice and then people started showing up at the apartment. Jessica Wemple and Morgan where there and I started pouring some more drinks... and some more and (now when you talk to me you have to remind me to tell you about my dr sam appt bc it fits in with this story) then apperntly I reinacted the part in nip/tuck where christan has sex with the lady with no legs for everyone....The next thing I sorta remember is saying "im just so tired please let me lay down" and I hear kerry say "oh my God im serious she cant go, I mean I really want her to but she cant and now at least my sister can use her ID" and thats it the next thing I know its 6:30 AM and im still in my clothes and oh heres the best part I'm WASTED still.

And what do I want to do when I'm drunk.... duh wake everyone up and have them enjoy my drunkness with me. The only person who enjoyed this was Kerry. Until Jessica woke up for class and I layed down where she had been sleeping and I asked "um jess why does our couch smell like peppermint?" oh you know why??? Because Jessica took so many rumpmints shots at the bar and was SO SO drunk still that she reaked of it and so did our couch and blankets. Not only did she smell of it but slurred her words and stumbbled throughout ur apartment attempting to get ready for school. Yeah I know I probably shouldn't have let her drive but it's pretty cold outside and my car had ice all over. And im a bad friend.

Also Morgan informed me that we had gotten a call list of everyone we work with bc im holding a baby shower for my boss this weekend and we were supposed to call people and I left some pretty questionable messages on assoicates phones who I dont know very well or it might have been thier house phones.

So for the rest of the story and more embarssing details you will have to call me my love. Have a goodweekend!