Monday, August 4, 2008

The VS adventures

For whatever reasons I have been feeling very blaaaaaaaaah lately. This means I dont really feel like doing much of anything espically being perky and or being at work. Well riddle me this why when I feel like this do things have to go cadastraphicaly wrong? Like ohhh tonight the registers decided at the start of my segment they wont take debit, gift cards, and when someone wants to run credit we have to freakin manually imprint their card. Do you realize how many ppl use credit and debit cards? Do you know how mad ppl get? Do you know how long it takes to manually imprint a card? Do you also know that apperntly one of my cashiers ruined a ladies card using the machine. That was a 2 hour adventure.

This was after the 253 dollar fradulent return that went on my segement not ami's because it was taking so long to ring people though that she waited in line 10 mintues to return her crap. I saw her carry it in on my smoke break. Awesome.

The circle of bad luck.

The other day i took an obsence phone call from a guy who when i picked up the phone goes "can you hear me?" I said yeah I can hear you just fine and he said "good because I really want to suck your nipples" that was after i told him i didnt have time to listen to him talk about the american cancer society i had to manage my floor.

Oh how many more I could list....

1 comment:

Megan said...

good Lord. I'm glad you really like your job cuz that would send me over the edge.