Saturday, August 30, 2008

my boring life

I offically have no life. I think my mom thinks I am on the verge of a mental breakdown because she took me shopping today and was practically forcing me to let her buy things for me. Which I did. For work because this is what my life has become. Work and school. The other day I ended up getting to work kinda early bc the construction on K10 either takes for freakin ever or no time at all so I can never time it out properly but I jest here my point was I sat in the parking lot and took a nap in my car all the while people were entering the mall to go to panera probably thinking I was homeless.

So math the 4x not a charm. New plan of action-take at JCCC where it will be a lot easier and slower paced. I am going to try and take it self paced so it doesnt ruin my grad time too much but we will see, I think I need like one on one major help. I'm practicaly on the level of a monkey here.

Good news we get a jet trip at work on sep 11th. This means the vice president of VS and others will be coming to our store. When I say good news oviously I am not exticted about this I am terrifed amd waiting for the hurricane of preperation that will be occuring in the days before the visit and the yelling and the stress and the tears. I wish I held enough power to fly in on a jet and cause panic and fear in people's lives.

Morgan and I might be getting a small dog. Yes this is probably a bad decison for all that are involved including the dog. But I really want a minni dasuhaund. Google them they are precious.

Gossip girl premire on monday alas ill be working thank God for DVR!!!!! and thank GOD for time and half!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The VS adventures

For whatever reasons I have been feeling very blaaaaaaaaah lately. This means I dont really feel like doing much of anything espically being perky and or being at work. Well riddle me this why when I feel like this do things have to go cadastraphicaly wrong? Like ohhh tonight the registers decided at the start of my segment they wont take debit, gift cards, and when someone wants to run credit we have to freakin manually imprint their card. Do you realize how many ppl use credit and debit cards? Do you know how mad ppl get? Do you know how long it takes to manually imprint a card? Do you also know that apperntly one of my cashiers ruined a ladies card using the machine. That was a 2 hour adventure.

This was after the 253 dollar fradulent return that went on my segement not ami's because it was taking so long to ring people though that she waited in line 10 mintues to return her crap. I saw her carry it in on my smoke break. Awesome.

The circle of bad luck.

The other day i took an obsence phone call from a guy who when i picked up the phone goes "can you hear me?" I said yeah I can hear you just fine and he said "good because I really want to suck your nipples" that was after i told him i didnt have time to listen to him talk about the american cancer society i had to manage my floor.

Oh how many more I could list....